I'm back.
Holiday is over and went way to fast. My daughter looks great but I can tell she is very home sick.
She has now just moved to hamilton island, beautiful place of the world but very expensive and for a couple with a mortgage and only one working it is very hard.
Getting a job around there is finding to be difficult but I'm sure if she perseveres one will come.
Most of us parents believe that when our children leave home that our lives will be less complicated and we will be free to do more, in a sense yes, but we will always be very mindful of what our children are doing and how they are coping in the outside world.
I keep sending my daughter money to help her get by, here's the funny thing, I told her not to tell her father about it. The other night when I was talking to her on the phone he yelled out and asked her if she needed any money. (Daughter could't stop laughing).
I firmly said "no" not letting on that I had already given her some.
They have decided to rent out their home, so guess who gets the job of cleaning it all out, both mothers.
They have only been in the house for a year but with all the stuff they have accumilated it seems like 12 years.
So mostly everything has come back to my house and guess where they want to live when they come home?
(Yes, they are talking about coming home, perhaps sometime next year).
They want to move in here until they can afford a new place. (Packed to the Rafters). Wouldn't have it any other way.
Children never really leave home forever.
If they are loved unconditionally they will always know that they are always welcome back when times get tough.