About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Mind Power Series

Monday, March 15, 2010

“Cry Silent Tears”, A Horrific True Story.

This book has shocked me deeply. I have never read a book that has affected me so much, emotionally.
The book is called “Cry Silent Tears” by Joe Peters. It is a true story about his life with a family that is hard to believe can exist.
This is not a family, you cannot call it a family, no family would ever treat their child the way they did.

This book has been at my work place, sitting in the office for just over two weeks. I have picked it up a couple of times and read the back, thinking this is not for me. But when I was leaving for home this night, I made the fatal mistake of reading the first two pages. This started an avalanche, I took it home and could not put it down, It was well after midnight when I finished it.

I cried at the end and a few times through it. Every time I think about it, I get upset.
I cannot comprehend how a human being can do this to another, especially your own child. A mother is suppose to protect their young no matter what, not bring cruelty upon them. This is her own flesh and blood, she carried this little boy for nine months. Why would anyone want to hurt an innocent child?

The cruelty that was bestowed on Joe is unthinkable, to hate your own flesh and blood so much that it drives you to lock him in a cellar for over three years at the age of five. Treat him like an animal, make him eat from the floor, watch as he is sexually assaulted by your boyfriend and assist to restrain him when he fights back. Watch as other siblings perform terrible acts of sexual abuse and sell him to paedophiles just to make money for alcohol. This is not a mother, you can not call her a mother, she is an animal.

People talk of evolution and god and how the world was created. God would not have produced such insane madness for his world, this is the act of an animal, treating another as an animal. We must have evolved from the animal species to have somebody revert to this cruel act.

I just had to write someting down about this, I was so upset with the authorities and that so many opportunities were there to save this little boy, but nobody did. This happened where there were neighbours near by and not one person noticed that a little boy was not seen out the front playing or crying for years. Wasn't going to school.

As a society it is our duty to protect all children, any age, race or children with special needs. We must learn to keep our eyes open and not let this crazy world that we live in consume us. Our busy lives eats at us all and we forget to live and enjoy life, but we need to be watchful of what is happening around us. Don’t think that this does not concern you because it does, it concerns each and every person that lives on this planet and the only way we are going to eradicate these evil doings from our world is to keep vigilant.

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