Teen Substance Abuse: 7 Myths of Addiction
By: Sarita Uhr. M.D.
Teen substance abuse is a serious problem world- wide. The teen years are a time of experimenting and risk taking. Many teens experiment with drugs and alcohol. Many are influenced by peer pressure.
Frequent, repeated use of any substance changes brain chemistry over time and can lead to substance dependence. Dependence means it takes larger amounts over time to get the same effect from that substance (example: alcohol). Another sign of substance dependence is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when a substance is abruptly stopped.
Teen drug addiction and teenage alcoholism develop over a period of time. Dependence is a gradual and insidious process.
Here are 7 addiction myths parents should be aware of when dealing with teen substance abuse:
1. My teen's addiction will get better on it's own.
2. It's just a "phase" my teen is going through.
3. Teen substance abuse is the parent's fault.
4. Teen addiction is a choice.
5. Helping my teen by relieving his stress such as "covering" for him when he doesn't do his homework, skip classes, or skip school will lower his need to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.
6. My addicted teen can use willpower alone to quit his substance abuse.
7. My teen should never use medication to treat his addiction or he is just trying to fix his problems with another pill.
As a psychiatrist that specializes in drug addiction and alcoholism, I see parents struggling with these myths. Here are some examples of parents from my practice holding on to these myths:
HR told her parents she had an alcohol problem and wanted to go to rehab. Her father responded, "You don't need a vacation". Her father just wanted her to quit drinking. Several months later, after HR had a seizure, he realized her alcohol problem was very serious and she needed professional help to overcome her addiction.
TJ smoked pot every day while living at home. When I confronted his parents about why they tolerated this, the dad said, "I smoked pot at his age, too." He changed his attitude after his son's second DUI and got him some help. When I treated his underlying anxiety with a non-addicting mediation, he quit smoking pot.
AJ dropped out of college for alcohol and drug use and went to rehab. She called her mom from rehab and said she hated the program and was coming home. Her mom sent her a plane ticket and AJ relapsed with a friend on the way back from the airport. When I confronted her mom about enabling AJ, she said, "She was just having trouble adjusting to college. Her father and I have had some trouble which has her stressed."
Parents; throw these 7 myths out the window! You will then be in a position to help your child. Your family must be able to face teen substance abuse head on. Addiction is not any one's fault.
Addiction is a medical disease that progresses over time. It can be life threatening and should not be ignored.
Addiction is not a matter of will power. The brain produces cravings for the substances that have been abused because those substances have altered brain chemistry. Significant cravings can overpower rational thinking and lead to relapse.
Medications that combat cravings or treat underlying depression or anxiety may be key in helping your teen quit drugs and alcohol. Be open to having your teen evaluated by a psychiatrist.
Communicate with your teen in a calm manner. Listen to their point of view. Face the addiction problem as a family. As you know, every family member is affected. Go to Al-anon or Families Anonymous for support. These meetings are a place to learn how to set boundaries with your teen. Therapy can help too. Then family healing can begin.
About the Author
Dr. Sarita Uhr is a psychiatrist that specializes in addiction. She has written 2 revolutionary books to help families with loved ones that suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction. If you think your teen or young adult child is abusing drugs or alcohol, click the link http://teensubstanceabuse.org/ to get her free report on, "How To Avoid the 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents make With Their Addicted Teen or Young Adult Child." It may save your family's life. Dr. Uhr's system of helping families with an addicted loved one has stunning results.
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Teen Substance Abuse: 7 Myths of Addiction