Do you think you have a functioanl family?
Most of us believe that our family is running along quite nicely but perhaps if you really look into it, probably not.
Tips for a functional family-
1/ How often do you sit down as a family for a meal? Set the table together, prepare the meal, or do most just grab and run in different directions. Eat dinner in front of the television.
Try to organise to sit and the table to eat meals, this is quality time that can be spent together, sharing each others journeys throughout the day.
2/ Communication, this is a must for any family. Listening to others problems and helping to solve them together.
3/ Privacy, everybody is entitled to their own space. People need time out from one another. Knowing the telephone coversation they are having with a good friend is not being listened to, not having correspondence opened.
4/ Spend time together as a family. This could be having a film night with popcorn, letting the kids choose the movies. Going camping or fishing, cooking, day to the beach, sporting event, a picnic at the park, all this is quality time. Life can be busy and sometimes we just get caught up in the ride and forget to step back and smell the roses.
5/ Let others have opinions. Openly putting an opinion out there without feeling as though they will be critised.
6/ Knowing what is right and wrong. Explaining about right and wrong, stealing is not acceptable and hitting another is frowned upon. Treating people with respect in a family helps it to run smoothly.
A family is a working system and when all the cogs don't work together it can fall apart.
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