About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Mind Power Series

Monday, March 29, 2010

Young Drivers Need To Experience The Effects Of Bad Driving

Originally uploaded by ardenwray

It's the weekend again and another terrible accident
involving a young person.

Are you a parent that dreads the weekends when they arrive because you know that your son or daughter will be out with friends. Are you an over protective mother like me, as my
daughter calls me. I always have this dreadful feeling that if I don't tell her to drive safely that something terrible will happen.

I know I'm being stupid but its just how I feel. I have said it to her from day one of getting her license.

I remember when she had finished school. Heading to Adelaide to celebrate schoolies week as we call it here in Australia. I didn't get to see her before she left so did not get to say it and I couldn't concentrate at work until I had phoned her. Once I had
spoken to her and said it, I was fine.

Statistics have shown that nearly one third of people killed on Australian roads are aged between
16 and 25 yrs. (Department
of Infrastructure Transport Regional Development and Local

Road crashes are the biggest killers of young people.
In 1987 110 people were killed in crashes aged 18-25. The total has declined from then. In 2008,
38 young people died due to crashes.
This is a huge drop but is still to many when your a parent.
Out of these 38 young drivers 74% were male, 74% were in
a single car crash, 55% occured between
8pm and 6am, 26% on Saturday, 24% on Sunday and 13% a Friday. (weekend)

Distractions are a main concern, along with speed. Results published in the International Journal, Injury Prevention say distractions cause 1 in 5 crashes in drivers.
An Australian study showed that drivers engage in driver distraction on average once every 6 minutes.
Mobile phones, ipods, CD players and other friends are major distractions
and young drivers are almost 5 times more likely to
 use a phone while driving according to
(The George Institute For International Health and the University of WA).

Cars these days are made to go way to fast. We are not racing car drivers, why do we need a car that does 280klm hour.

I really don't know what the solution is. Young drivers need help to understand what the consequences will be if they act bad behind the wheel of a car.
Perhaps schools should have a year long course for these young kids. It should be complusory and during the course they perhaps should talk to people involved in accidents at hospitals and prisons. Talk with parents who have lost loved ones.

I feel we need to get it into their heads what the actual result is from making a silly
decision that could ruin their entire life.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

No Worries

I went out for dinner last night at a nice restaurant with the family for my sister-in-laws birthday. All the kids were there,(best part), running around madly without a care in the world.
Play equipment and a video games room to keep them amused.
I don't ever remember places like this when I brought my daughter up, only maccas. She and her friends would cause so much caos because they were
bored, so this made it a chore when ever we went out.

Do you remember your childhood? You didn't have much to worry about,
only what game to play next or which friend you wanted to come over to stay the night. Being a kid was so much fun,(please, take me back). This is my goddaughter, no worries about anything.

She is three and a real character, some comments that she makes are hilarious. Funny at this age but perhaps when she is older, not so funny, but cheeky.
I asked for a kiss and hug goodbye, as she moved up towards me she put her arms around my neck and said "Now here's a kiss for you, big girl". Planted one right on the mouth.
It completely floored me,I burst out laughing. Now if it had been said to someone who was overweight, they may have taken it the wrong way.
She also said to her father "your mister stinky, but your still my best friend." Now we all laughed, you just can't help it.
Can be so funny when they are young, but what happens as they get older and they still say these words. It can be upsetting to an elderly person but the child does not know any better because they have always had a reaction out of people and usually it is laughter.
Adults can be at fault sometimes, so don't always blame the child for their behaviour. They have most likely learnt their behaviour form adults.

Monday, March 15, 2010

“Cry Silent Tears”, A Horrific True Story.

This book has shocked me deeply. I have never read a book that has affected me so much, emotionally.
The book is called “Cry Silent Tears” by Joe Peters. It is a true story about his life with a family that is hard to believe can exist.
This is not a family, you cannot call it a family, no family would ever treat their child the way they did.

This book has been at my work place, sitting in the office for just over two weeks. I have picked it up a couple of times and read the back, thinking this is not for me. But when I was leaving for home this night, I made the fatal mistake of reading the first two pages. This started an avalanche, I took it home and could not put it down, It was well after midnight when I finished it.

I cried at the end and a few times through it. Every time I think about it, I get upset.
I cannot comprehend how a human being can do this to another, especially your own child. A mother is suppose to protect their young no matter what, not bring cruelty upon them. This is her own flesh and blood, she carried this little boy for nine months. Why would anyone want to hurt an innocent child?

The cruelty that was bestowed on Joe is unthinkable, to hate your own flesh and blood so much that it drives you to lock him in a cellar for over three years at the age of five. Treat him like an animal, make him eat from the floor, watch as he is sexually assaulted by your boyfriend and assist to restrain him when he fights back. Watch as other siblings perform terrible acts of sexual abuse and sell him to paedophiles just to make money for alcohol. This is not a mother, you can not call her a mother, she is an animal.

People talk of evolution and god and how the world was created. God would not have produced such insane madness for his world, this is the act of an animal, treating another as an animal. We must have evolved from the animal species to have somebody revert to this cruel act.

I just had to write someting down about this, I was so upset with the authorities and that so many opportunities were there to save this little boy, but nobody did. This happened where there were neighbours near by and not one person noticed that a little boy was not seen out the front playing or crying for years. Wasn't going to school.

As a society it is our duty to protect all children, any age, race or children with special needs. We must learn to keep our eyes open and not let this crazy world that we live in consume us. Our busy lives eats at us all and we forget to live and enjoy life, but we need to be watchful of what is happening around us. Don’t think that this does not concern you because it does, it concerns each and every person that lives on this planet and the only way we are going to eradicate these evil doings from our world is to keep vigilant.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Teen Chat Rooms Peer Pressure Statistics

By: Amy Cainfield
If you've seen the recent Frontline special on PBS, as a parent you understand the frustrations many parents go through when trying to raise a child who is growing up online.

Many of the shocking statics regarding teens and online chat reveal some very disturbing trends that parents should take to hart.

A parent's internet monitoring study done in Canada found that:

• Over half (51%) of parents either do not have or do not know if they have software on their computer(s) that monitors where their teenager(s) go online and with whom they interact.

• 42% of parents do not review the content of what their teenager(s) read and/or type in chat rooms or via instant messaging.

• Teenagers who Instant Message use chat lingo to communicate and parents don't know the meanings of some of the most commonly used phrases. 57% don't know LOL (Laughing Out Loud), 68% don't know BRB (Be Right Back), and 92% don't know A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location).

• 95% of parents couldn't identify common chat room lingo that teenagers use to warn people they're chatting with that their parents are watching. Those phrases are POS (Parent Over Shoulder) and P911 (Parent Alert).

• Nearly three out of 10 (28%) of parents don't know or are not sure if their teens talk to strangers online.

• 30% of parents allow their teenagers to use the computer in private areas of the house such as a bedroom or a home office. Parents say they are more vigilant about where their teen(s) go online if the computer is in a public area of the household.

• 58% of parents surveyed say they review the content of what their teenager(s) read and/or type in chat rooms or via Instant Messaging; 42% do not.

And more statistics on teen peer pressure, cyber bullying, and sexually explicit internet use:

• Approximately one in five received a sexual solicitation or approach over the Internet in the last year.

• One in thirty-three received an aggressive sexual solicitation - a solicitor who asked to meet them somewhere; called them on the telephone; sent them regular mail, money, or gifts.

• One in four had an unwanted exposure to pictures of naked people or people having sex in the last year.

• One in seventeen was threatened or harassed.

• Approximately one quarter of young people who reported these incidents were distressed by them.

• Less than 10 percent of sexual solicitations and only 3 percent of unwanted exposure episodes were reported to authorities such as a law-enforcement agency, an Internet Service Provider, or a hotline.

• About one quarter of the youth who encountered a sexual solicitation or approach told a parent. Almost 40 percent of those reporting an unwanted exposure to sexual material told a parent.

• Only 17 percent of youth and approximately 10 percent of parents could name a specific authority, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, CyberTipline, or an Internet Service Provider, to which they could make a report, although more said they had "heard of" such places.

• In households with home Internet access, one third of parents said they had filtering or blocking software on their computer at the time they were interviewed.

We hope that after taking a minute to read these statistics that you will re evaluate your teens use of the internet and chat rooms, and discuss these statistics with your teen.
About the Author
Amy Cainfield is Technology Director for software for parents, such as the Teen Chat Decoder online acronym decoder, and PC Tattletale Internet Monitoring Software.
(ArticlesBase SC #321938)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Teen Chat Rooms Peer Pressure Statistics

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Want a Pony!

I Want a Pony!
Originally uploaded by carvalho

What a beautiful picture. This is how I want to express myself sometimes.
Apparently she was yawning.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DANGER! Facing Babies In Prams

This is something that I have seen many, many times throughout my mothering life. I'm not sure if it is because you are a mother that you notice it, but it stands out to you a whole lot more clearly.

I went shopping with my daughter yesterday and there was alot more traffic around on a Tuesday then there usually is. It had been raining and it had turned cold over the last few days. People were rushing to get where ever they needed to be and to get out of the cold wind.

Now I know mothers are usually very conscious of what they do with their children but I really don't think that they realize what they are doing is dangerous for their babies.

I saw three parents doing this in one day, think this happens everyday all over the world and we all need to see the danger in it.
When standing at stop lights near a busy intersection, many mothers will push their pram out onto the curb, sometimes into the gutter. Can't they see the incredible risk that they put their child into.

If a driver losers control of their car, there would be no possible way that anyone could remove themselves from danger in the split second that it would occur.

I have seen many mothers standing back up on the footpath while their baby is in the pram down on the curb and out on the road.

Please, Please think of what could happen if this accident were to occur and also think of the position that you put the driver into as well. This would be something that they would have to live with for the rest of their lives if they accidently killed a poor child.

A concerned mother

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kids Bored- Here's A List To Help

How often do the kids say their bored?
Many times a day I am sure.
I decided to make up a list that may help to keep them amused, at least for a while.

Make a list of 20 things that they like to do.
Make over their room, rearrange it.
Design a poster.
Cut out pictures from a magazine and make a collage.
Write a letter to their best friend.
Creat their own magazine.
Draw a picture of family at a holiday spot they like.
Design a superhero costume and think up a name.
Do a magic show, practise tricks.
Build a cubby house with siblings.
Make some homemade lemonade.
Climb a tree.
Learn how to juggle.
Read a book and find 30 good words that start with S, write them down.
Make favourite biscuits, with help.
Find 26 things starting with every letter of the alphebet from around the house and garden.
Make a veggie garden.
Spend the day spoiling mum and dad.
Design a card for mum or dad, just for being who they are.
Take some photos, print them out and make up a poster.
Wash the dog, brush him.

Who said they were bored.

More Great Activities for kids

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Three in the Bed

I like to baby sit my nieces and nephews, there's five that actually live in my home town and I like to have them all at once. My sister-in-laws both think I'm mad but I absolutely love it. They range from 3-12yrs and when it's time for bed the two little ones end up in bed with me. My husband moves into the spare room for some peace. I feel every movement that the three year old makes, she kicks blankets aside and whacks me in the face on occasions. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
The older kids sleep on mattresses in the rumpus room, they watch dvd's until they fall asleep, which ends up really late.
I sometimes take them to McDonalds for dinner or a snack. My middle nephew is not suppose to have coke (to much anyway). Well, I usually forget this and he cons me into it, my brother always mentions when I bring them home "did he have coke"? I roll my eyes and say it was only a little bit. I know what your all thinking, it's o.k. because I can give him back and won't have to put up with the hype. Hey, What are aunties for?
I don't get to see them enough or the other three who live 2000klms away. I feel that the older ones won't want to come out anymore as it's too boring. There are more exciting things in town for them to do.
They grow up so fast and time slips by before you know it, next it's their 21st, then their getting married.
Until next time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beat morning sickness when with child in 9 easy steps

Morning sickness, I don’t know why they call it this. I am sure that there are a lot of mothers out there that can honestly say that it was not only mornings.
I know that mine lasted well into the afternoon, sometimes into the evening. I was luckier than some because I was not physically sick with mine, but very dizzy and nausea.
Woman who have a history of getting travel sickness or migraines seem to be more affected by morning sickness than woman who do not. Being stressed and tired has also a big role, tell me that you didn’t feel stressed or even tired when you were pregnant with your first child. Morning sickness usually happens in the first trimester, but unfortunately for some mothers it lasts a lot longer, sometimes up to six months.

I have found a few tips that may help you through this uncomfortable time.
1/ Blood sugar levels drop overnight is one theory. Some women cannot go 8 hours without food. Keeping blood sugar levels regulated is a must. Try and have a high protein snack before going to bed or when you get up to the other children during the night or to the bathroom grab a bite to help keep it up.
2/ Try and have a few small bites of toast or dry biscuits before getting out of bed or before you move to much in the morning. Have hubby bring your breaky into you before he goes to work, lets face it, this will probably be the only time you will get it.
3/ Slowly work your way out of bed, don’t jump straight up. Take your time and relax in between each movement.
4/ Avoid foods that cause rapid sugar levels like fruit juices, sugary snacks, processed cereal (ones that come in box). Eat foods that contain protein, they will not rapidly raise sugar levels so they can come crashing down.
5/ Stick to eggs, nuts, veggies and whole grains, meat and cheese. Yoghurt is good but be careful of ones that are full of sugar.
6/ Drinking plenty of water is a must. If you have been vomiting then you could become dehydrated. So keep up fluids. If you can’t drink water try sucking on some ice cubes, brew up some very weak tea with a bit of lemon, have it iced or hot. Smoothies made with fruit, ice and plain yoghurt.
7/ Your nose is over sensitive when pregnant and many smells will cause nausea. Have your hubby or the kids take out the trash, babies stinky nappies will also set you off so try to avoid these.
8/ Ginger is very good for car sickness with the children so why not give it a try. Have some ginger bomboms handy and try some ginger tea, either hot or cold.
9/ Try sucking on a lemon slice when you feel a wave of nausea start to overwhelm you.

Beat morning sickness when with child, don’t let it get you down. I hope that these tips will help you get on with your normal day, like taking the kids to school or dragging yourself off to work.
But don’t forget, we have got somebody to help--Hubby….
I found this site that maybe of interest to you, check it out. MORNING SICKNESS

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Benefits of Martial Arts for kids Article By: anuvatech

I thought this article would be very interesting for parents and kids.
In Australia we seem to be having a lot of issues with bullying in schools.
I think that teaching children martial arts will help build confidence and teach respect for others around them.

Most people think that martial arts are only valuable when you need to beat the bad guys. While the confidence that comes from knowing that you can use self defense effectively is important, the true benefits of martial arts training, especially for kids, are much more than just building defensive skills. When taught by the right person, in the right environment, martial arts can be a powerful learning tool to build confidence, determination, focus, and physical fitness.

We are all born different. Some kids are born bold and some with low self-esteem. Does your child struggle with confidence? Have your kids ever been bullied or pushed around or perhaps has your child has been the one who is bullying the other kids? Poor confidence expresses itself in both the bully and the child who is bullied. While both of these behaviors are normal, they need to be corrected as quickly as possible. Traditional martial art training can teach the values of honor, respect, integrity and self discipline. Through martial arts, kids can learn to express themselves in other ways than through violence. Additionally, martial arts contain the best elements of both team and individual activities since your child will have all of the social benefits of interacting with others while simultaneously being able to learn at their own individual pace. Martial arts are also an empowering way for families to bond.

Originating in Asia, martial arts have a range styles and types including Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido, Taekwondo and Kung fu. With the right instructor any of these arts can teach a spectrum of mental, physical and social attributes. When your child learns these valuable life lessons and skills it will help them throughout their life and it will lay a foundation for happiness, fulfillment, and success.

The mental benefits of martial arts for kids include increased learning skills, improved focus for kids and discipline for kids. The physical benefits include personal security and physical fitness for kids. And the social benefits include self esteem, respect, friendship and leadership for kids. These are skills that your child will use for a lifetime on a daily basis.

Many parents have found a noticeable gain in their children's grades in school, focus, behavior and confidence after being involved in martial arts for as little as 3 months. Your kid can benefit a lot from martial arts as they learn the physical components along with the mental and emotional lessons. You can even join your child in the martial arts training and make the experience even more powerful and enjoyable.

Original Article URL: http://kidsandteens.myfreearticlecentral.com/Article_49260_Benefits-of-Martial-Arts-for-kids.aspx

Red Dragon Martial Arts is a owned by a couple; Beau and Sara Norgeot. They are enthusiastically involved in teaching fellow human beings how to be successful in life. To know more about what their classes visit: http://www.reddragonfl.com [http://www.reddragonfl.com/]

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bonding With Your Baby

By: Susan Carranza

Yahoo! You have been waiting 9 months for this, and here it is! Your new baby is finally here! Now what? It is hard to imagine that you have brought a new life into this world, isn't it? You want the best for your newborn!  You have brought a new person into this world, and you will be accountable for shaping their life. That's an awesome responsibility! All of that begins with connecting with your newborn. Bonding is one of the really significant things that parents can do for their child. When your newborn bonds with you, it uses all of its senses. Here are some tips to assist:

Vision/Sight:  Your baby's eyesight is not too good when it is a newborn. About ten inches is as far as it can focus. That's fine for their requirements now. You may be amazed to know that studies show that your baby would rather look at you, instead of some brightly colored objects. So, make sure that you are close enough for your newborn to see you. During feeding time is a good time to do this. Let them touch your face with their little hands, and make eye contact with them.

Tactile or Touch:  1 of the most highly developed senses in your baby is touch. It is vital to make them feel safe and secure. So, snuggle and caress your newborn! Studies confirm that massaging babies actually may make them learn better as well. Don't fret if you are executing it correctly, just do it! Many have discovered that putting their newborn in a Snugly while they do household chores, is very soothing. Baby will probably fall asleep, listening to your heartbeat.

Auditory or Their Hearing:  An infant is stimulated by a mother's voice. Mothers use calming words, and are inclined to speak to their baby in a naturally higher pitched voice. Say your newborns name, coo and sing to them. You can make a monkey of yourself, and they like to hear it!

Smell:  Studies confirms that your baby clearly recognizes your smell. This recognizable scent soothes your baby.

Do not forget that your baby is an individual, and will be different from any other child. Do not overwhelm or over stimulate your child. Your baby may give you signs that they are tired of play or stimulation, such as yawning, frowning, rubbing their eyes, breaking eye contact or wriggling away. This may show that they are ready for rest time.

Many specialists advise that you put your newborn on its back to sleep. Lots of parents become anxious, because babies can develop a condition known as “occipital plagiocephaly of positional origin”. This simply means that the infants head is flatter on one side than the other from always sleeping in the same position. Giving your newborn some “tummy time” can help to avoid this condition. Use play time to do this. Your baby will improve their muscles, by trying to push themselves up using their arms. Get down with your baby, and smile, stick your tongue out, chuckle and croon to them. Hold a mirror up to baby, and see their response! Move brightly colored items in front of their eyes, and see them track movement. This is a great way to bond with your infant.

Do not leave out Dad! Mom's already have created a physical biochemical bond with the baby before it was born, by carrying it for 9 months. Many times fathers feel left out. Involve Dad in Dr. appointments, and the pre-natal care of baby. Have him feed baby whenever possible. Even if you are breastfeeding, Dad can be included. Moms can take a break, and let Dad take charge of a crying infant from time to time. Dads can participate in bathing and dressing (and of course, changing diapers). Everything that Mom does, such as cooing, and cuddling the baby; are things that Dad can do as well. As baby grows, they require more and more stimuli. Dads are normally wonderful at providing that. Play time and “tummy time” are wonderful times to make sure that Dad is involved.

Showing off the new baby to friends and family is an added benefit. Babies love all of the extra attention that they get from family and friends, and bond with them as well. So take pleasure in the attention that your baby creates.

The experience of bonding with your newborn is what matters the most. Just a gentle touch, simple smile, or laughing together, will help parents place their child on the track toward a favorable future.

About the Author

Surround your baby with soft things. Get all of the wonderful soft and sweet things that your baby needs at: http://www.grandgiftsforbabies.com/

Susan has been a nurse for over 30 years with expertise in many areas. She has 3 children and 15 grandchildren.

(ArticlesBase SC #1916975)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Bonding With Your Baby

Baby Sleep Safety - Reducing the Risk of SIDS

Children are the greatest gift of all. All children mean the world to me, no matter what nationality. I thought that this might be interesting for some new mothers out there.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the largest known cause of death in children under the age of one. This terrifying syndrome occurs while the baby is sleeping. To date there is no known cure, or reason for that matter, as to why some children are affected while others aren't. But the simple fact is that
over 2,500 babies die in the US each year from SIDS. Although the number of deaths have been lowered by around 40% by taking several preventative approaches and incorporating baby sleep safety methods to safe guard children from SIDS, there is no known way to fully avoid the occurrence of SIDS.

Baby Sleep Safety Tips

Here are some tips that can help to reduce the risk of SIDS:

*Lay baby on his or her back. SIDS has been closely linked to children sleeping on their tummies.

*Use a firm mattress. Avoid fluffy toys or pillows that may cause suffocation.

*Don't let baby get over heated during the night. Babies have a higher body temperature than we do and don't require as many blankets - Don't let baby freeze either though!

*Don't smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs before or after baby's birth. Cigarette smoke is a known contributor to SIDS.

*Participate in early and parental care clinics, especially if you are a first time parent.

*Breast feed baby if at all possible. Babies that are breast-fed are statistically less likely to die from SIDS.

*Offer your baby a pacifier during the first year of life. It is not known why but babies that are given pacifiers in the early stages of life are less likely to be claimed by SIDS.

*Don't sleep with baby in the same bed or let baby sleep in an adult bed. The baby has a greater risk of suffocation when in a bed designed for an adult. It is ok to comfort and feed baby in bed as long as he or she is returned to his or her proper bed afterward.

SIDS is unlike any other syndrome or disease. Most conditions surrounding an infant’s death are diagnosed by the symptoms associated with the death. SIDS on the other hand is only given as a diagnosis once all other possibilities are ruled out.

Risk Factors

There are several specific risk factors or notable trends that can be seen in data relating to SIDS. These risks should be addressed and noted by parents that have babies in a high-risk category.

*More boys than girls die from SIDS. There is not much that can be done about this statistic, it is more of
a notation.

*Smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use are believed to be among the main contributing factors to SIDS. Simply put, if you value the life of your child, refrain from using harmful drugs such as these!

*Poor parental care. Inexperienced or young parents are the highest risk. As long as a parent takes the time to get early and regular parental care checks and have the support of family and friends, there is much less risk of this occurring.

*Premature babies are at a high risk of SIDS. Premature babies are born with a disadvantage to begin with and are usually very weak and under developed. This is more a notation than a prevention.

*Mothers who are younger that 20 are at risk of having a baby die from SIDS. This can be for a variety of reasons such as inexperience or unintentional neglect.

By using the above tips and making yourself aware of the risk factors and taking baby sleep safety precautions you can reduce the likelihood of losing a child to SIDS. For parents who have lost a child to SIDS there are many wonderful support groups available to help go through the grieving process.

Chris Towland

If your baby is having sleep problems then take a look at The Baby Sleep Solution audio program. It's the quickest way to solve your baby sleep problem - guaranteed! Take a look now at: http://679ebsuv59kd4q6aw2zi1pfwbs.hop.clickbank.net/

A Site That I Hope You Will Find Helpful

Hi everyone,
I wanted to set up a site that was full of information about all things relating to children.
Be it illnesses, care, life experiences, education, games, book reviews, development, safety. You name it and I will put it here.
So tell everyone you know about this site and hopefully they will get some helpful tips to help with them to raise their children.