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I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Mind Power Series

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beat morning sickness when with child in 9 easy steps

Morning sickness, I don’t know why they call it this. I am sure that there are a lot of mothers out there that can honestly say that it was not only mornings.
I know that mine lasted well into the afternoon, sometimes into the evening. I was luckier than some because I was not physically sick with mine, but very dizzy and nausea.
Woman who have a history of getting travel sickness or migraines seem to be more affected by morning sickness than woman who do not. Being stressed and tired has also a big role, tell me that you didn’t feel stressed or even tired when you were pregnant with your first child. Morning sickness usually happens in the first trimester, but unfortunately for some mothers it lasts a lot longer, sometimes up to six months.

I have found a few tips that may help you through this uncomfortable time.
1/ Blood sugar levels drop overnight is one theory. Some women cannot go 8 hours without food. Keeping blood sugar levels regulated is a must. Try and have a high protein snack before going to bed or when you get up to the other children during the night or to the bathroom grab a bite to help keep it up.
2/ Try and have a few small bites of toast or dry biscuits before getting out of bed or before you move to much in the morning. Have hubby bring your breaky into you before he goes to work, lets face it, this will probably be the only time you will get it.
3/ Slowly work your way out of bed, don’t jump straight up. Take your time and relax in between each movement.
4/ Avoid foods that cause rapid sugar levels like fruit juices, sugary snacks, processed cereal (ones that come in box). Eat foods that contain protein, they will not rapidly raise sugar levels so they can come crashing down.
5/ Stick to eggs, nuts, veggies and whole grains, meat and cheese. Yoghurt is good but be careful of ones that are full of sugar.
6/ Drinking plenty of water is a must. If you have been vomiting then you could become dehydrated. So keep up fluids. If you can’t drink water try sucking on some ice cubes, brew up some very weak tea with a bit of lemon, have it iced or hot. Smoothies made with fruit, ice and plain yoghurt.
7/ Your nose is over sensitive when pregnant and many smells will cause nausea. Have your hubby or the kids take out the trash, babies stinky nappies will also set you off so try to avoid these.
8/ Ginger is very good for car sickness with the children so why not give it a try. Have some ginger bomboms handy and try some ginger tea, either hot or cold.
9/ Try sucking on a lemon slice when you feel a wave of nausea start to overwhelm you.

Beat morning sickness when with child, don’t let it get you down. I hope that these tips will help you get on with your normal day, like taking the kids to school or dragging yourself off to work.
But don’t forget, we have got somebody to help--Hubby….
I found this site that maybe of interest to you, check it out. MORNING SICKNESS

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