About Me

I'm a Mum who has struggled with weight since having my daughter 24 years ago. Forever trying to find that one thing that helps to make weight loss easier.
Mind Power Series

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DANGER! Facing Babies In Prams

This is something that I have seen many, many times throughout my mothering life. I'm not sure if it is because you are a mother that you notice it, but it stands out to you a whole lot more clearly.

I went shopping with my daughter yesterday and there was alot more traffic around on a Tuesday then there usually is. It had been raining and it had turned cold over the last few days. People were rushing to get where ever they needed to be and to get out of the cold wind.

Now I know mothers are usually very conscious of what they do with their children but I really don't think that they realize what they are doing is dangerous for their babies.

I saw three parents doing this in one day, think this happens everyday all over the world and we all need to see the danger in it.
When standing at stop lights near a busy intersection, many mothers will push their pram out onto the curb, sometimes into the gutter. Can't they see the incredible risk that they put their child into.

If a driver losers control of their car, there would be no possible way that anyone could remove themselves from danger in the split second that it would occur.

I have seen many mothers standing back up on the footpath while their baby is in the pram down on the curb and out on the road.

Please, Please think of what could happen if this accident were to occur and also think of the position that you put the driver into as well. This would be something that they would have to live with for the rest of their lives if they accidently killed a poor child.

A concerned mother

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